Ownership, Belonging & Dreaming America: Ben Sanders

Why is homeownership such an integral part of the American Dream? Why have some been systematically excluded from homeownership while others have been incentivized and subsidized to own their home? In this episode, Dr. Ben Sanders shares his family story of ownership and belonging from an experience as a Black American, as we continue to peel apart the myth of the American Dream.
Why is homeownership such an integral part of the American Dream? Why have some been systematically excluded from homeownership while others have been incentivized and subsidized to own their home? In this episode, Dr. Ben Sanders shares his family story of ownership and belonging from an experience as a Black American, as we continue to peel apart the myth of the American Dream.
Guest Bio
Ben Sanders, Ph.D is the Chief Equity Officer of the City of Denver. He is an Equity Professional/Consultant, Social Ethicist, Theologian, Passionate Servant-Leader, Change-Agent, Community Builder, and a Dad. Ben creates measurable and effective, equity-centered systems, processes, and policies that help companies, communities, and organizations optimize and achieve their missions and goals.
Want to Learn More?
NBC News: The American Dream while Black: ‘Locked in a Vicious cycle’: Homeownership is supposed to be the gateway to the American dream. Black Americans have been denied access – https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/american-dream-while-black-homeownership/
NAACP: the home of grassroots activism for civil rights and social justice.
We advocate, agitate, and litigate for the civil rights due to Black America. In our cities, schools, companies, and courtrooms, we are the legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells, Thurgood Marshall, and many other giants – https://naacp.org/
Homeownership rates by Race: https://usafacts.org/articles/homeownership-rates-by-race/
Want to Take Action?
Donate to NAACP: https://naacp.org/resources/reparations
Donate to advancing Black Homeownership: https://www.habitat.org/our-work/advancing-black-homeownership
Facing Race: A National Conference: https://facingrace.raceforward.org/
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