Sept. 8, 2022

Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis On Countering White Christian Nationalism: Step 1: Let White Jesus, Go!

Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis On Countering White Christian Nationalism: Step 1: Let White Jesus, Go!

Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis is one of those people who transcends all of the categories we like to create - the first female and the first black senior pastor at a historic church in New York City that was founded in 1628. She speaks with prophetic truth. In this episode, Jacquie and Amanda talk about Christian Nationalism, the tied-up realities of the founding of the U.S., Christianity, and white supremacy. Jacquie casts a vision of a world where the radical love she preaches about becomes real.

Rev. Dr. Jacqui’s newest book,  Fierce Love,  "is a manifesto for all generations, a universalist’s vision for mending our broken hearts and fractured world" - Get your copy TODAY! 

For more wisdom from Rev. Lewis, check out her podcast "LOVE. PERIOD. WITH REV. DR. JACQUI LEWIS

For more resources on the historical connection between anti-Black racism and abortion see the article links below: